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The threat of cyberattack now looms large for small businesses.

 The average cost of just one cyberattack for a small business is now $46,000 (up 14%) on last year,
and 62% of businesses reported an attack.[i] Half of all small and medium businesses also rated their cybersecurity knowledge as average to below average.[ii]

Find out how to safeguard your business with a

FREE security assessment with our team

Why partner with Kodo Technologies?

A long-standing Microsoft partner, Kodo provides a range of trusted IT services to businesses in regional Australia. Based in the Barossa Valley, we service organisations all over the country, and have a deep understanding of the challenges faced by those in remote locations—as well as opportunities for growth.

We are renowned for our personal service, deep technical expertise, and strong focus on security, sustainability, and best-practice information management.